Monday, September 10, 2012

I've kind of been off the grid the past couple of weeks, life has been busier then normal + there was a 3 day holiday weekend thrown in the mix. I have a couple of posts I plan to do this coming weekend.

Stay tuned- good things to come I promise :)

On a side note here are some things to keep you entertained until then (got this in an email today):

Your favourite virtue ::

Your favourite qualities in a person::

Being funny, open minded, respectful, and love life.

Your favorite occupation :: 
Healthcare/Medical Field but of course!

Your idea of happiness ::
loving and being loved

Your idea of misery ::
Constantly worrying and hating everything about life.

If not yourself, who would you be ::
A chef--- seriously--- I LOVE to cook and every time I watch top Chef I get goosebumps :)

Where would you like to live ::
Back in the sunshine state

Your favorite color and flower ::
Blue and any flowers that are colorful! 

Your favourite heroes in fiction ::
Game of Thrones-- Kahl Drogo 

Your favourite heroines in fiction ::
Game of Thrones--   Daenerys Targaryen (ok I feel like a dork but the TV series was so good)

Your favorite heroes in real life ::
Our troops fighting for our country, the police and firemen who go out there day in and day out without ever thinking twice about saving your life/helping you. Also teachers because they are amazingly patient with little kids :)

Your favorite food and drink ::
Sunflower seeds, Chicken Pesto, and Riesling

Your favourite names ::
eh? I have no idea

Your pet peeve ::
When you ask for my opinion and then argue with me....

The change you most anticipate :: 

I try not to anticipate change/future and try to live in the right now and take it a day at a time.

A gift of nature which I would like to have ::

How I would like to die ::
emotionally and physically ready (Ego integrity vs Ego despair)

What is your present state of mind ::
Tired really tired BUT happy :)

Of what fault are you most tolerant ::
People who try to be perfect and are extremely Type A--

Your favourite motto(s) ::
What you want is often at odds with what is right.


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